clown pijamas ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ


been listening to the same song over and over and over and over again. i feel at the edge of the precipice. it isn't a bad view, but it is stunning in the full sense of the word. i'm trembling with anticipation for the next act and i fairly confident i'll make it alive to experience it. there's a lot wrong with me, but there's enough will to make it right. to make peace with what's broken and embrace it. to fix it. by it i mean me. to fix him. to fix her. to fix it.
life is different from here on. this is a new chapter. i can't write a huge The with ornaments and leave the page blank. i will survive.
changing topic to something less dark:
i'm excited to participate in art fight this year! i have two characters posted, not the Newest Coolest ones, but still characters I do care about.
The song Brutus by The Buttress has been echoing inside my head. I'm thinking of making a pair of characters with an animatic of the song in mind. I won't work on it immediately (as Art Fight and commissioned work comes first!!), but I will get to it in a month or two.
I'm relieved I didn't kill myself.
To make this even more all over the place, stupid and incomprehensible; updates on how life's been:

My name is Brutus and my name means heavy,
so with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my enemy.
My whole whole life you were a teacher and a friend to me,
please know my actions aren't motivated only by envy.
I, too, have a destiny:
This death will be art!
People will speak of this day from near and afar.
This event will be history, and I'll be great too
I don't want what you have: I want to be you.