clown pijamas ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

zaza ramblings ◉ ̫ ◉ (long post)

hello! (ฅ́ ˘ฅ̀)♡
a part of my life i haven't talked about yet (like most parts of it) is the music studio my partner and i work at! just got back home from there, our colleague had great weed that knocked me the fuck out. since today was rehearsal duty i wasn't actually working, so i smoked and died; i spent the entire 3 to 4 hours we were there sleeping or trying to sleep in the back, so high i could barely piece together why i was there.
i miss having weed at home, but getting so high makes me realize how much i've been enjoying sobriety lately. because i was asleep, i ended up not having diner along with my partner so i'm a little hungry now. tomorrow we'll go to the studio again, earlier in the day.
i need to figure out how i want my website's layout to look like; it's been difficult making even placeholder art because i envision it in lighter, warmer colors and the reality is crushingly different. it ends up looking like ass every time. i think i should gather some reference to get to working on it.
i also really, really have to get back into working on the animation for clockwork sonata. it's essentially september already and i haven't finished their draft yet.
oh! i forgot to mention; this week i took my second shot of T! i should clarify it's not my lifetime second, i took T injections for around a year before, then dropped treatment for another year, got back into it for a couple months and dropped it again; now it's been three months back on treatment! i used to take depo previously - one shot every 21 days, has a hormone spike in the first week after injection then slowly lowers until next application -, but now i've been prescribed nebido - one shot every 90 days, no hormone spike; stays consistent until next injection. being back on T feels good; i'm growing more facial hair, my metabolism is a lot quicker so i feel hungry more often & thinned down quite a bit, i feel a lot happier & energized, a lot less disforic. feels good :-)
i'm feeling a little sleepy (from being high), but i really don't want to leave my beloved alone :( he's working on a college essay that's due, like, today in a couple hours. i want to stay up making him company, but i also want to sleep so i can be well-rested tomorrow. sigh. i still wanted to write a little more, too, but guess i'm a bit too tired.

things that are important to me in one way or another - or stuff i want to make a page about:

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- rat ㅤ٩(ˊ〇ˋ*)